Wow. So it's my birthday, and I'm choosing to blog. And I am snowed in on today, so I've postponed my plans.
I wanted to share some quotes that I saw on one of my social media accounts that are encouraging to me, and I wrote them down.
1) "Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself."
2) We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sail."
3) Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and the shadows will fall behind you!"
I saw another one just a few moments ago so I'll post it as well:
4) The woman you're becoming will cost you people, relationships, spaces, and material things. Choose her over everything.
I believe I'll share a out being myself. As some may know, I've dealt with low self esteem for many years. Not liking or loving myself. Thinking that I needed to be validated by everyone but God. Trying my hardest to please everyone in my ever so tiny circle. Yet the circle of friends that I now have is one that I wouldn't trade for the world!!! I've made the decision to be myself. Choices can be changed. Once I've made a decision, there's no turning back.
I believe that the second saying fits perfectly for this particular day, because it's snowing and for other times in my life when I might feel a bit down or discouraged and feel that I can't go on. I know that God is always with me, yet truth is, it's sometimes easier to just lay flat on your face for a while and do nothing rather than trust the God that will never leave or forsake you. At some point I always come to this realization , and I'm ready to move forward!
So when the winds of life are being directed by the power of God, I can adjust how I react, and how I respond. Will I be all in? Or all out? This part is not a decision, because as I say, lots of the decisions that we make in life are one sided Choices are optional. We get to choose how we direct the sails of our lives.
I'll skip a couple of the quotes and move on to the fourth one.
This one is important. Everything that I am, every choice AND decision that I make will cost me. Three is a price to pay for the relationships that I keep, the space that I keep - whether in my own home or with other people- our personal space is important and YOU have the choice of who and what enters into your personal 'space". My material things that I have, I have the choice to have them, make a choice to invest in my possessions, or to not have them at all. At this time, I'm choosing to not have to take public transportation much longer. So, I've made the choice to take the steps to get my drivers license for the first time in MANY years. I took the written test. I didn't pass this time, but of course, I can try this again. This step for me was HUGE. It's a part of my "adjusting my sails". I've finally realized that it's time for me to begin driving myself to where I need to go when I can. and for me just making the step and trying with this test I can pat myself on my back today and say I've made a step. But I absolutely cannot stop here. I've got to keep moving forward.
I don't know why I've written a lot about my written test, but for me, it's an accomplishment of trying that I haven't done before.
I've also started a small business. It's not where it needs to be right now, but I think if I keep at it , I will gain customers and long term people who will invest in me. It's only been a year, and from what I understand, most small business fail within the first 5 years. I'm praying that mine doesn't fail.
May you have big dreams and wake up fulfilling them.
With purpose in my mind,