What does a New Year hold for me? I can actually answer that I'm one sentence.
I don't know WHAT the New Year holds, but I know WHO holds it.
Is there optimism in view? Of course.
Are there changes and adjustments in our lives to be made? Absolutely.
Yet these things should be happening in our lives on a daily basis~ not just because another 365 days have come and gone. So here we go with the infamous "New Year, New Me" resolutions, right? For me, not so much.
There are times that we can get so caught up in the hype of it being a new year that we forget (or for some odd reason have already forgotten?) that blessings are always right in front of us.
Take a look around you. Take a look outside. And take a look WITHIN. We are always afforded the daily opportunity of perspective and introspective. Look no further than yourself for vertical and horizontal change. Vertical change is my relationship with God. Horizontal change is my relationship to other people,whether it be my supervisor, my family (natural and spiritual), or people that I meet.
How those relationships surface as I move forward in the New Year as well as the years ahead will help me to grow in all other areas of my life.
So, what do I mean by that? I'm begin with myself. If it is to be, it's up to me. Whatever adjustments I need to make to see better, to believe better, and to make positive changes in my life, it's up to me to seek God and put my faith to my feet~ in other words, DO something!
The change that I'm looking for in my life is not happening by osmosis...
This new year hold a lot, and I've just entered into it! Will there be some rough spots along the way? Of course~ that's life. There will also be personal, emotional, mental & spiritual victories that I'm looking forward to.
Change is not silent. Change speaks. So I speak change, and am ready to go through the process for the change to literally take place in my life. I've got the next 364 days to testify about this thing...
Always remember, no matter what the situation is in your life, THE SKY IS ALWAYS BLUE.
I thought I'd share that with you because this is how I came up with my profile of Skyyblue365. Are there cloudy, grey days? Yes. Even though the sky color changes from time to time, the INITIAL color of the sky is blue. So, you can look up & rest assured that change is always on the "whether" report: "whether" you speak life, or not.
Until next time, "be the change that you seek."